Sunday, 5 January 2014

Historical context of the Perfomrnace

My group piece is Macbeth. I am playing a Psychic Doctor and in my scene, I am having a observation on Lady Macbeth because of her sleep walking habits. My character was usually really old fashioned and back in those times, would most likely be wearing a robe, and head garments with sandals and pencil behind his ear. But in the modernised version, he is played as a everyday doctor seen in hospitals on a regular basis. Because of this, one my characters objective are slightly changed throughout the scene. In the classical version,one of my objectives is apart from trying to find a diagnosis for Lady Macbeth, trying to find out what the Gentlewoman is hiding from me. In the classical version that is changed ever so slightly. The Gentlewoman does not really have anything to hide any more.

Our piece is being modernised in a number of ways. We are now set in a hospital, specifically the corridors. Lady Macbeth is no more sleep walking, but is actually mentally disabled and keeps talking to herself about things that happened in her past, which is a bit over exaggerated in this case. The gentlewoman's role is changed to a student doctor who is learning from my expertise. I am not a psychic doctor, but a general doctor who oversees the entire hospital.

Social, Historical, Cultural and Political Influences

to be researched.

The play was set in Dunsinane Castle in Scotland, but now its changed to 
to be researched

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