Sunday 5 January 2014

Modernising Shakespeare - Weekly Notes.

Week 8
We are getting more educated in the Film and TV. We did Film Appreciation. This will help us to get more incite and knowledge about acting styles in Film and Television. The film we watched was The Shining.This film got famous because of Jack Nicholson performance.Also the line "Hello Charlie" when he is chopping down the door with the axe also made is reputation. We watched how his thought process was very huge but showed it through his eyes. Usually on stage, an actors thought process is shown through gestures, face expressions and through the line. Their voices would be projected to fill the space.But in the film, Jack Nicholson's thought process was very huge like he is on stage. But he portrayed his thought process through his eyes.It was minimal face expressions, but his eyes told us a s a class a lot of what he is thinking. This was the best example of a film to watch because when modernising our shakespeare pieces, that is the level of focus that we should in our film and television unit.

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